
SmartCX maximizes results and improves customer experience

One of the largest private groups in the electricity sector in the country, present in 18 states.

Having a unique view of the customer journey was the main challenge faced by the company. We address this need by applying three layers of SmartCX, enabling end-to-end customer experience management.

Through SmartConn, we integrate all the company’s contact channels, increasing the visibility of these journeys with humanized interactions and resoluteness in the first contact.

Through SmartVault we were able to structure the information collected in SmartConn, providing insights for making more strategic decisions, based on real-time monitoring of channels.

With SmartBrain intelligence, we combine the best that machine and human can offer, automating processes and orchestrating all interactions in a personalized way.

achieved with

Improvement in the service rates of electricity distributors, verified by ANEEL

Reduction of 5 to 8 seconds of TMA per call

More than 50% increase in retention through digital channels

Check out other cases


SmartCX contributes to the expansion of new business models

We started our successful partnership with the SmartVault application

Advisory Intelligence Transforming the Customer Experience

We performed an immersion in all interaction channels, processes

With integration of interaction channels, SmartCX provides increased revenue and more assertive journeys

We apply SmartConn to integrate interaction channels and redesign the entire digital journey of the consumer, generating greater fluidity and assertiveness