
With integration of interaction channels, SmartCX provides increased revenue and more assertive journeys 

Brazilian company in the cosmetics sector for 52 years in the market and present in over 60 countries.

We apply SmartConn to integrate interaction channels and redesign the entire digital journey of the consumer, generating greater fluidity and assertiveness.

Through the data structured by SmartVault, it was possible to categorize customers into specific profiles, consistently customizing their service, so as to direct the attendants according to each case.

SmartBrain‘s powerful intelligence allowed us to orchestrate interactions and increase assertiveness in customer responses, thanks to data generated in the SmartVault layer, which provided powerful insights into the best service paths, whether digital or human.

In this way, we increased satisfaction rates, leveraged retention in digital channels, generated operational efficiency and made service more agile, personalized, fluid and resolute.

achieved with

Increase of almost 30% in self-service on digital channels

40% reduction in calls directed to human assistance

TMA reduction of around 10 seconds per call

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SmartCX contributes to the expansion of new business models

We started our successful partnership with the SmartVault application

SmartCX maximizes results and improves customer experience

Having a unique view of the customer journey was the main challenge faced by the company

Advisory Intelligence Transforming the Customer Experience

We performed an immersion in all interaction channels, processes